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The God pill

The God pill

Food for thought:

Before there was ready access to Bibles, how did the Faith survive and flourish?

Does the experienced oral tradition of those apostles who walked with Jesus but whose teachings weren't contained in the bible count for anything?

Is expecting a book to contain the entire transmitted reality of a growing church a reasonable assumption, or does it border on Autism, ignoring the reality of an oral tradition of Faith spread through a Community?

Is any part of the tradition not found in the bible to be dismissed outright?

How could many Saints and the early Desert Fathers know the Truth with no access to Scripture, even by the 19th Century? How could Saint Catherine of Sienna or Brother Lawrence know the Truth whilst both being illiterate? Why are all their teachings across hundreds of years internally-consistent?

Why did the King James have to be heavily-modified from the Latin Vulgate and the Greek, other than the books that were removed directly-contradicted Luther's agenda, when they'd been established as Canon for 1200 years before Luther?

What is the final warning of the Bible about? How would this affect any denomination founded upon a modified bible?

If the Bible is the Infallible Word Of God, why did it need to be modified at all?

Why does Protestants constantly accuse Catholics of following Satan?

What behaviour always evidences when one is serving the Demonic?

What can you predict about them based on their accusations?

Why do they always get so emotional whenever criticized, given how ready they are to accuse?

What Demon reliably leads one to believe they know more than their Superiors in the Natural Order?

Is the main goal of this Demon to lead one into Schism?

Why was it important for the Demonic that Mary become removed?

Why was it important for the Demonic that images of Jesus no longer be depicted?

Why was it important for the Demonic that transubstantiation be blocked?

Why was it important for the Demonic that reconciliation be negated?

Why the stressing of a subjective personal interpretation (emotion) over infused knowledge and experiential clarification of it (reason)?

Why does this pattern conform to the Talmud more than the New Covenant?

Why is it assumed God can't protect the Church he founded, but a corruptible man can make it better?

How does the process of Institutional Convergence occur?

Who is always behind it?

Who funded, then betrayed, Luther?

What happens to the people in the Institution once it's converged?

Do they point and shriek at others?

Do they swarm?

Do they seek to destroy the Other?

Did they murder Catholics for possessing a Bible that explained how the King James had been modified into Heresy?

Did they arrest priests who used that bible for holding masses in private homes, then pull out their guts as they threw them into a fire before their eyes?

How many of those who compiled the Douay-Rheims bible ended up murdered by Schismatics?

Do these tortures sound Godly?

What does Jesus always promise will happen to his True Followers?

Are they really just the first Social Justice Warriors and was the Catholic Church just Marvel Comics to them, where they came in, threw out the Canon, changed the backstories and told you your heroes were now demons?

Do they claim to read the Bible, yet conform to Old Covenant teachings, missing the obvious teachings of the New Covenant?

Do they worship God, or Israel?

Do they worship Israel, despite Luther writing 'On The Jews and Their Lies'?

Do the political leaders they reliably-vote for in any way attempt to block the Satanic Subversion of their country, or do they seemingly-cooperate with them?

After 70+ years of murdering Catholics in the Middle East in the name of Protecting Israel, what religion now dominates in those countries?

What's the connection between Judaism and Islam?

Why did the spiritual founder of Reform Judaism convert to Islam?

Has 70+ years of murdering Catholics in the Middle East in the name of Protecting Israel turned America into a nation favoured by God, or is the nation on the verge of a dysfunctional, Satanic collapse, where its citizens are ruled by Subjective Truth?

How could these people ever ethically vote for Donald Trump, if they really knew The Father and followed the teachings of the Bible?

How long does this pattern of killing Catholics go back?

What was interesting about the religions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, specifically?

What's the dominant religion in Venezuela?

Did Venezuela collapse due to Communism, or due to US Sanctions, and (((international banking))) refusing to return its Gold Reserves?

Why has Q called out the Catholic Church, and is now calling out the Orthodox Church, as both being evil, but has never mentioned any Protestant or Southern Baptist Leaders, despite recent revelations of sexual abuse happening in the latter?

How did Israel recently treat Catholic Palestinians attempting to go to Jerusalem for Easter?

Why has no American Religious Leader called them out on this?

Why the lack of internal-consistency in stated beliefs? Why the contradiction? Why the constant erosion into further denominations?

What are Demons reliably unable to do when they attempt to build something?

What is the point of obsessing over the Bible if the result is never conforming with God's Will?

What does the Father say about prayers and sacrifices without a humble and contrite heart?

Do they think He is like them?

Who was his accusation made against?

Were they Holy, or did they just believe they were Holy?

Who are the Elect who are deceived? If it's the Catholics, then why would Absolute Truth have founded a Corruptible Church?

What does Jesus say about knowing them by their Fruits?

Why would one seem veiled and not see the obvious contradictions?

Why is it important to know who is and isn't truly of the Father in the coming collapse?

Can you see the Truth when you're not in a State of Grace?

What's required first?

Why would people who aren't evidencing any supernatural reordering of their behaviour believe they have any reliable knowledge of the father?

These are the kind of questions I ask myself, and which might save your life as we head into the collapse, because not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' knows the Father.

Hey, if Protestants want to throw stupid accusations around whenever they feel like it, why can't I?

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