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Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-15-2012 10:16 PM)Brian Wrote:  

these guys probably didnt have a lot of free time down there - i'm sure they're pretty busy trying to keep the prez safe. its not like they could go clubbing, salsa dancing, day gaming, or whatever to get laid. but a couple of hours of downtime make it easy to dial a ho, and probably pretty damn cheap also. whats crazy to me is that if you are in the Secret Service, on a business trip, and banging hookers you are doing something risky - why they F would you try and stiff the girl, risk her going apeshit and ratting you out, for like $100? that was just idiotic.

I don't think the SS agent was stupid enough to stiff the girl over $100 bucks. He probably wanted to do some extra kinky shit he can't get at home like pulling an R.Kelly and giving her a golden shower. There was probably some misunderstanding about what he wanted, the guy might not have spoke spanish or whatever. In the heat of the moment the girl refused something and still wanted to be paid for her time and thats when the argument came.

Even though I'm sure this story got blown up because this is an election year, I'm still embarrassed that this is considered news in our country. The US is ludicrously puritan and hipocritical in sexual matters, it reminds me of the monica lewinsky scandal. I could give a fuck about consensual sex between adults. Honestly, who cares?

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

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