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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (03-30-2019 07:51 PM)The King Wrote:  

Guys, we need to have a serious talk about this new algorithm.

I've been trying to run different experiments here and there, got some false positives, but mostly been falling flat on my face in terms of results lately.

I reset my tinder account today and got a grand total of 7 matches in over 2 hours. Contrast this with 25 matches in 1 hour a short while back. This is big deal.

I was killing it on tinder with multiple lays every week and now I've gotten no action in over 2 weeks. Painful to admit but it's true.

I need to sort this out real quick guys. I know they've been clamping down on account resets for a while but this is much worse. How is tinder boost holding up? Never purchased boosts but are they essential now?

If anyone with experience wants to chime in/offer advice in secret please tell me. One thing we should all consider is that every trick we talk about on here is visible to the public. This makes it so that a) Every guy on tinder copy-pastes and ruins our strategies, and b) Tinder knows how we're exploiting their app to get laid.

I'm considering making some kind of group chat outside of the forum for members to speak freely about tinder and keep everything within the community.

PM if interested.

Just wondering but why would you reset if your account was doing well?

It's honestly a coin flip. Sometimes I reset my account and have 10+ likes in the queue in a few hours. Other times, it takes 24 hours to get 3+ likes in the queue, and then its zero for the next few days.

Recently, I made a new account and got zero matches in a week. Even ran a boost, still zero matches. I got refunded my money, but something about that account instantly got me shadowbanned.

I made a new account that was performing decently well, and ended up fucking a girl I matched with the next day. All within 24 hours of a remake.

If you have an account thats doing good, I recommend you keep it active for as long as you possibly can. Otherwise you will have to do several remakes before you find an account that gets good traction. The difficult thing is, we dont know which variables we can control that gives the highest % of having a good performing account.

Its not simply pictures, because my same pics have gotten me 50-60 matches days, but have also gotten me 0-2 matches a week.

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