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The God pill

The God pill

Good stuff, your evolution is a pleasure to witness.

Just be aware: The more you walk on the right path, the harder the enemy will try to push you off it. When you were just trying to get your dick wet years ago you had some feminists' panties in a bunch. As you led a forum of men to follow natural order and become stronger you became an international super-villain slandered in the media and banned from countries. Now that you are firmly on the side of God expect the enemy to step up the attacks on you spiritually, emotionally and more. First the attacks will be obvious, in your face, aggressive. When that doesn't work - it won't, you're obviously too strong for that - then the enemy will move to subversion and temptation. Satan didn't just go straight to the crucifixion of Jesus, he tried 40 days of temptation first. A soul won to hell for him is worth more than a mortal body destroyed. Stand fast and keep the faith.

Blue pill: No understanding of power
Red pill: Understanding of man's power on Earth
Black pill: Understanding the pathetic limitations and pointlessness of man's power
God pill: Understanding that only God's power can overcome the enemy's power.

Beware of Churchianity; the Christian church is mostly subverted, certainly in the West. I can't stand the 'turtlenecks and tolerance' Christians. Natural order = weak men die. Pick your allies for this fight wisely, but you don't need telling that.

Also now expect mass subversion in the forum (even more than normal) followed by the lights going out. Let's all learn as much as we can before that time.

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