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The God pill

The God pill

It's hard not to see the hand of Providence in your journey Roosh.

Before I was banned from twitter, I had a few discussions with trad types about your conversion, which everyone started noticing, some time in the last 2 years. They were doubters, but I believed it was inevitable since I watched your 'Red Pill Schism' video. Your face had changed. Something was broken, and something new was building. You called it Neomasculinity, but it was much bigger than a political or cultural movement.

Since that video I have believed that God was working through you, as he had worked through so many flawed men in the past, to become great and elevate others with them. History is full of people who did many bad things, so much worse than simple hedonism, and through trials and tribulations and by grace and prayer became great soldiers of God.

The biggest lie out there is that nothing good comes from suffering, when no spiritual growth can ever be achieved without it. We are spiritually stunted. We have unlearned the most basic truths about life because of it. Only in a world like this could something like 'cafeteria churchianity' even exist. Our Lord had to suffer tremendous physical and mental abuse and die so that we could be saved.

I would much rather learn from a man who was tried and failed before he succeeded, than one who has never been tried at all. We all witnessed your trials, because you shared them with us, and hopefully learned from them. And we're here to witness the last stage, and for that I am grateful.

This thread made my day.

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