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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 10:13 AM)RIslander Wrote:  

Roosh has taken the black pill. And I think he is taking the only path that can solve his problem. Religious faith.

I don't think reglion (i.e. organized religion) is the only way to solve black-pill.
What gives life meaning, IMHO, is a sense of purpose and to find transcendance.

Most of life is about banalities. Humans are social creatures and so much of our effort goes towards elevating our social standing among our tribe. Dealing with women brings that into stark relief, as we have to usually demonstrate status like a peacock to get them interested. But all of this shit is banality in the sense that it services instinctive impulses that go back millions of years. We're smart enough to realize how banal all this is and yet we feel compelled to play out this script regardless. You've got no choice other than to make peace with it but it can feel like imprisonment.

The search for meaning comes in trying to look beyond that. That's the transcendant.

Where people find that is a personal thing. What's sacred to one person isn't to another. I find transcendance in art and in "flow-state" that I find while being creative or having good sex. That's my thing. If others find that through religion, fine, but it's about that feeling of getting elevated beyond the norm, the butterfly in the chest, the hair standing on your back, a natural high.

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