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German Man Fights for the Right to Bang His Sister!

German Man Fights for the Right to Bang His Sister!

Quote: (04-15-2012 05:22 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

In Holland we just started talking about forced anti conception for people who are not able to nurse children like mentally retarded people or heavy drug addicts. Its still a taboo talking about it but there are lots of good arguments for doing this. A new law proposal is in the making.
- About 50 to 80 children die due to direct results of physical abuse, most of them don't live to be 4 years old. (that's a lot for a small country)
- children of (teenage) drug users are already addicted to drugs when born and face a live of health misery

I'm for this and would even dare to say that i'm for forced sterilization for heavy drug abusers, people with down syndrome, heavilly retarded people and people convicted of multiple rapes, murder or child abuse.

It's always interesting to look at what the Dutch are doing about any particular social problem you're interested in. Everyone thinks they're a butch of "liberal" hippies because of their position on soft drugs and prostitution, but a lot of their stances are actually quite conservative.

How would "forced contraception" actually work in practice? The woman is held down while a nurse injects Deepa Provera every year? Actually, the existance of long lasting and idiot proof birth control methods like Deepa Provera greatly enhanses the ability of the state to limit "unwanted" births. To be honest in most cases coersion wouldn't even be neccesarry. Just a system of incentives.

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