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Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

When it comes to high powered men, people really underestimate the power of connivence, certainty, and control when dealing with hookers.

A high powered guy can go to a club, spend 4 or 5 hours gaming some chicks, and have a REALLY HIGH CHANCE of getting some quality poon.


That same high powered guy can go to a website or pick up the phone and have a drop dead gorgeous woman come by IMMEDIATELY and DO WHAT EVER HE WANTS for a few grand in the case of the highest end escorts in the US all the way down to less than $100 in the case of a smoking hot hooker in Latin America.
He NEVER has to concern himself with whether she likes him.
He NEVER has to concern himself with whether he is going to score.
He NEVER has to concern himself with pleasing her in bed (although many do).
He NEVER has to concern himself with her thinking that they are in a relationship after fucking her.

HE DECIDES when she comes and when she goes.
HE DECIDES who he is going to fuck. If he has a taste for petite Asians this week, thats what he gets. If he has a taste for tall, big titty, Scandinavian blonde next week, thats what he gets.
HE DECIDES what type of sex gets. If he wants to fuck a girl in the ass, he simply orders a chick from the agency that is down with that. If he wants a threesome with full on lesbian action, he orders that.
HE DECIDES how much talking they do. If he wants her to just come over, strip naked, and start sucking his dick, that is what she will do, or he can find another girl who will. Maybe he wants a girlfriend fantasy and takes her on a romantic dinner. She will sit there, laugh at his jokes, and not throw up a single shit test. He has a great time because this "date" ends with the ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY of sex.

The best part is that, for real ballers, the amount of money they give these girls is nothing. It is bullshit to them. Yeah, a few thousand dollars, or even a few hundred dollars, for pussy is a lot for a regular guy. But for a guy pulling in 7 figures a year it is nothing. Until you have had the experience of meeting a gorgeous woman willing to do ANYTHING for an amount of money you consider chump change, you have no idea how intoxicating/addicting that kind of power is.

I remember my first trip down to Latin America. I had no intention of fucking ho's, and I didn't... at first. However, when a chick that was hotter than EVERY girl in my high school and at least as hot as any girl at my university offered to fuck my brains out for less than the cost of a video game I went for it and don't feel the least bit guilty about it.

There are hotels that unofficially have ho's on staff. Imagine being in your room, calling the front desk and telling them "send Maria up to my room", then a smoking hot Latina knocks on your door in 5 minutes like room service and fucks you every way you want it for and only asks for $70 afterwards. You throw her a $10 tip and she is ecstatic and wants to know if she can bring her 19 year old cousin next time. If you are making $100K+ a year, what the fuck does $80 mean to you? Now, how do you think it feels to know that you can control this beautiful woman's body for a few dollars?

And this is the WORST PART about messing with hookers. This is the true downside. The sex and the power is so addicting. It is like smoking crack. For me, I have to always game regular girls every day I am in Latin America to avoid falling into the trap of being a fulltime whoremonger. It is way too easy to find yourself falling into the trap of giving up on regular girls.

Think about it. You are in some club, listening to some dumbass but hot chick's vapid commentary on her utterly unimportant life, maneuvering past her stream of shit tests, trying to strategize how you are going to get this chick in bed, and who you will move on to if, after 2 hours of dancing and bullshit conversation, she shuts you down or you get cock-blocked.

While all of this is happening, you KNOW that you could pick up your cell phone, call an escort who is twice as hot as the chick you are talking to, and be balls deep inside her in less than 2 hours. Maybe if you are a high powered guy, you start calculating what your billable hourly rate is, and you start adding up how much money your are potentially LOSING trying to game this chick. You know that the smoking hot escort will charge you the same amount you make in 40 minutes, but you have already spent 3 hours with this other "free" chick. In the end, the numbers don't add up.

The conclusion I came to was that I do not game women SOLELY for the pussy. If I did, it would be a bad deal. I game them in part for the THRILL OF THE HUNT. I LIKE getting women to like me and want me. It is like a fisherman. He could go to his local fish store and buy some trout or flounder for less money than his fishing trip costs, but it is the CHALLENGE of getting it himself that makes him go out early in the morning and spend hours sitting in a boat, hopping that a fish takes the bait.

Sometimes fishing for women is more fun that buying them at the store.

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