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The Ilhan Omar thread

The Ilhan Omar thread

Quote: (03-17-2019 09:32 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

What's the over/under on her IQ? The founders are rolling over in their graves.

Not yet.

One of the most brilliant parts of the Constitution was that the voices of any overly passionate or regional peoples would be diluted under the sheer number of representatives and further diluted by the limitations on their powers. The resilience of the Constitution is guaranteed by the fact that this one Representative's vote is just that, one vote drown out by many. The founders must have anticipated all sorts of tyrannical types popping up - instead of a game of whackamole we have systemic limitations which have withstood remarkable efforts to destroy the US.

I do not have a problem with her being there now because it is a symptom not a cause - it is better to have her face there in front of us as a reminder of how she came to be, rather than hiding in Minneapolis brewing up some sort of plans we cannot know about.

What I have a problem with is 1. She is not a citizen of the United States in any system of law as originally conceived, rather she is a citizen through a legal fiction adopted by and currently accepted as law. 2. Islam inherently contains treasonous tenants (which a particular individual may or may not adhere to in action or belief.)

She is a product of the lottery and other immigration programs brought and housing programs that "sent" these people to various places in the US by government plan. Demographic manipulation was the plan and the result.

If you were her would you have done any differently? Looking only at her and her family, the steps that led her to where she is now are logical, starting from her family applying to get out of Somalia all the way to her seeking election. But the idea that she could have been elected without block immigration to Minnesota is absurd. While she certainly has volition as an individual she is also in a sense nothing more than the tiniest piece of sand cast aside and strewn across the world in the war for the control of the incredibly important and strategic location of the Horn of Africa, and the decisions of whomever got us involved in that war.

The US House of Representatives can still absorb her (and some of her other friends like AOC) and the noise she may wish to make will only be on TV, and not truly heard in those Great Halls.

The Greatest Invention of all of the history of Mankind is the US Constitution.

When a family is a guest of a great and beautiful home and brings their children, the children are told to behave and to act as respectful guests. Even though she is a Member of Congress, I hope she still feels like the child of a guest and behaves accordingly.

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