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LTR/Marriage master thread. The why, who, when, where and how.

LTR/Marriage master thread. The why, who, when, where and how.

I thought about making a new post but this seems like the a good place to put it, maybe some folks can offer some advice. I'll try to keep it short and sweet:

Me: 28
Her: 24

Started out pretty casual while I had a rotation of 3 girls but over time turned into serious LTR (she did Xmas with my fam, that kind of deal)

I could write a lot about how sick she is but I won't bore you guys with all that. Not the hottest girl I've ever been with, she is mostly "really cute" (to me there is a big difference between cute and hot) but takes good care of herself and has "long term potential" in terms of aging well. Looks aside, she brings a lot to the table in terms of a consistent and good personality, happy gene, single digit notch count, low drama, smart, JQ-aware, pretty RP for a girl, awesome cook, etc. She told me that she loved me a few days ago. I wasn't sure how to react, I told her I appreciated it and have "a lot of love" for her but didn't say it back.

-I know I don't want to get married on paper. Long-term cohabitation I could potentially see myself doing at some point.
-I still have a lot of growing and figuring things out to do. I haven't gotten my career on track yet.
-Part of me wants to be a savage in the sexual jungle (I have a notch count of 50, I have been getting better at game and pulling better quality girls every year I've been in it), another part of me sees the shit and frustration the sexual marketplace brings (from reading the "what should I text next" thread among others.

She really is a quality human, looks great naked, sex is still great after 1.5 years and she puts in effort to satisfy me but I do feel a craving for variety a lot of the time. I have gotten BJ's and stuff from other girls but haven't had full on sex with another chick since we've gotten serious. From reading this forum and others and generally being RP about politics and society I do think a collapse/rough shit/hard times are coming in my lifetime so I also feel like maybe I should hedge my bets and focus on important shit instead of banging sluts since I do believe she is a "good one" that I hear so many guys lamenting that they can't find. But on a primal level I still want to have epic new sexual experiences with random girls. I don't mean to come across as conceited but because of my looks and some other stuff I have going for me I have a lot of potential to slay quality as I enter my prime and I feel that I'm in the game on an easier level than some guys I know that struggle with girls, hopefully this makes sense without making me sound like a tool (tbh I am kind of a tool but whatever).

Enough hamstering. TL;DR
-I'm young (28)
-I still have a lot of growing and figuring things out to do
-I've found a cute girl that has the qualities of a solid long term partner
-I'm divided on staying in this relationship and potentially building something with it vs. being on my own and banging sluts. I enjoy gaming girls and have a lot of potential to pull quality for a while as long as I take care of myself. I have turned down opportunities for sex because I don't want to deal with the guilt of cheating and mostly the paranoia of getting caught
-she told me she loved me a few days ago which got me thinking harder about this duality I am feeling.

Figured I'd post it here to see if any older chaps or anyone else could offer any perspective. Thanks in advance

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