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Women Sue Yale Over a Fraternity Culture They Say Enables Harassment

Women Sue Yale Over a Fraternity Culture They Say Enables Harassment


We eat together, take classes together, exist in this coeducational place,” Ms. Walker said in an interview. “But somehow because of the way Greek life operates on campus and the control they have over social spaces here, that means that on weekend nights, men are the only ones who have power.”

Well that just won’t do


Sororities are not a substitute for fraternities, the plaintiffs said, because they have been around for much less time, and do not have the depth of contacts that fraternities have.Plus guys have a sense of humor and just innately know how to have fun so it’s not fair so we want them to be miserable cunts too. Equality and shit you know


- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

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