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Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-12-2012 06:13 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2012 10:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Look first off if your going to address me on my points. Don't come at me with weak strawman junk and try to link what I say to "conspiracy theories". I am not talking about aliens here. Your response is classic to someone whom believes your Govt does no wrong.

I only believe that a order says something when I read it myself. Unfortunately the American "journalism" on that matter is probably the worst one in the world, trying to make sensations out of very ordinary issues or pushing their own agenda.


Read the Exec. Order your self. Its you have any law or policy backround you will be able to fish through the fluff and language.

I just did, and I did not find any reference to what you claimed. Note that you made a very specific claim that "FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as". Please quote a specific part of the order which supports your claim.


In regards to unemployment. Really? I deal with this junk for school. All western nations cook up their stats.

Any evidence? You're putting up pretty important claims, and you expect us just to believe your words? This is ridiculous.


The USA Gov in particular and BLS fix unemployment numbers nut not including people whom are not actively searching for work.

People are either searching for work or they do not. A stay-at-home-mom who is not even going to work should not be considered in the unemployment statistics just because she does not work.

And what about unemployment benefits?


True estimates done by outside independent sources give estimates from 15-27% which would be at Great Depression levels.

Oh really? Could you please provide the link to the "outside independent sources"? I'd like to see how independent (and from whom) those sources really are. This is something extremely rare here in US - vast majority of "outside independent sources" seem to be just storefronts whose only purpose is to push a specific agenda to their readers.

Christ, you aren't naive enough to think that ANY government tells you anything except what they deem to be in their own interests, are you?

The purpose of any government is to hold on to its own power.

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