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Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Quote: (04-11-2012 04:29 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-10-2012 03:14 PM)kosko Wrote:  

How I referenced the fact that now FEMA + Homeland Security can now seize any of your resources or property under anything they deem as.

What you wrote was not reference, it was speculation. Could you point out to the actual credible reference, like the actual law (no conspiracy blogs please)?


In a nation where 40+ Million are on food stamps. 40%+ of people are underemployed. 15-20% are unemployed.

At least your unemployment numbers seem to be wrong, and all it took to verify it was a quick google search. Could you explain this please?


The IRS can already seize assets and wages why this extra step?

Because someone who's living outside the US might have the assets and receive wages outside the US as well, and the IRS cannot seize those.

Look first off if your going to address me on my points. Don't come at me with weak strawman junk and try to link what I say to "conspiracy theories". I am not talking about aliens here. Your response is classic to someone whom believes your Govt does no wrong.

Read the Exec. Order your self. Its you have any law or policy backround you will be able to fish through the fluff and language.

There is a link to the White House release of the Executive Order on the top of that blogs post.

In regards to unemployment. Really? I deal with this junk for school. All western nations cook up their stats. The USA Gov in particular and BLS fix unemployment numbers nut not including people whom are not actively searching for work. After 6 months and hundreds if not thousands of resumes put out if one simply just stops looking they are no longer counted towards unemployment. Also if you reach a certain old age you drop of out of the cohort also. This suppresses the rate of unemployment and gives a more favorable number to release to the press. True estimates done by outside independent sources give estimates from 15-27% which would be at Great Depression levels. This mirrors what I see on the ground in America when I travel there. Either you work a shitty job or you have no job. Seeing graduates work at Waffle House or people just no job at all after searching evreyware they could. This is the exact same for inflation as the CPI was adjusted in Clintons term to supress the true rate. In the classic measure it is at 10-15% annul vs the 4-7% reported by the Govt.

Why does the Govt do this? To fool people like you into believing things are normal when they clearly aren't.

In regards to taxs+wages I admit this was a GUESS by me. In Canada the tax agency can take money out of your wages or raid your pension if your behind on taxes greatly. I assumed it would be the same in the USA.

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