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Cruise Bangs

Cruise Bangs


A plethora of mixed messages.


Mom neutralized, I pretty much talk to her only about the girl. Mom left the nightclub leaving her unprotected.
Second chaperone not a threat.
Posted on her Facebook timeline (unless she is a techy wizard, her 1,242 friends and family members saw it).
Got her phone number. Verified it to be correct.
Discounted her party cruise past.
Invited me to a breakfast and was actually present (but showed up early).
When she and her mom found out what I was doing at port, they immediately tried to join. The tour was sold out though.
Very minor kino (see why below)


She expressed that she is not having fun (hinting how her best friend is out traveling with her bf).
Openly flirted with a crew member in front of me.
(Am I in the friend zone?)
Wouldn't let me pull her away from the nightclub or even walk her to the room.
(Am I not in the friend zone and thus dangerous?)
There is a skilled but ancient (84) PUA running kino. I discounted him before since he hits on anything alive and her mom was p***ed (he even got a chest feel on the girl), and he's only working every other day (legitimate stamina issues, has been showing down), but it's adding up.
While off-board, tried opening a 7 and deflected into her 4 mom instead. A phone number. Yay... Not.
She seems to need alcohol to let loose.


Was walking away and overheard "he is always following us". Gr. Went into berserk mode and for 6 hours flat out ignored her, wouldn't engage. Hence minimal attention most of the evening. I was nearly at a "by the way I don't like you that way" false disqualifying talk.
She came to a venue she knew I'd be in and stayed there despite me just ignoring her from a few feet away (I even broke off for half an hour to open a 7 who ended up with a bf, walking in on us during a chat following a few dances).
The crew member she likes works in that venue too.


Wouldn't dance. At all. Claimed not to be feeling it.
One-on-one Mom said she is very shy.
But the girl chats freely.


Age is legit. I think this was a last-ditch OMG my baby is about to be an adult and have a real job cruise.
Yes she may be delaying to avoid early put up. Claims she isn't feeling it. But I got that 2 nights in a row now.
Social factor is under control. Short of the PUA and her next door neighbor no one else is seen with her but me. Then again, I'm considering cold shoulder in order to get her to attempt to regain IOIs? I got one during a period of ignoring her, a hair brush.
I've tried multiple social proofs. Some fail, some work.
What I need is a decision whether to really ramp up stuff or to pull back to puzzle her.


4 nights to go. Very lost. Carefully probing other options.

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