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Woman Pays $320,000, Keeps $5m Divorce Settlement After Ex-Husband Cuckolded

Woman Pays 0,000, Keeps m Divorce Settlement After Ex-Husband Cuckolded

Guy sues his ex-wife for being a horrible human being, in a legal system that incentives divorce and paternity fraud BUT gets remarried after the fact?

This guy didn't learn anything unfortunately.

I get it... probably wants to "do it right"/pass on his genes while he has a little time left but he should have just knocked up another woman (via IVF if possible; not sure with his condition if possible or should be done ethically speaking) minus the marriage. He has plenty of cover to say: "Well, I had a bad experience so I'm not for getting married."

Legal marriage in the west needs to be off limits until the laws are changed to be more fair to the higher income individual. As of right now, marriage is incredibly risky and punishing for the type of person who wants to do the sole-provider/traditional family deal; which I think many would agree is the most healthy for everyone involved including society overall.

There needs to be whole paradigm shift in how the west treats divorce/child support to where the incentives are not longer perverse; no more rewarding the low income individual enormously for destroying the family. The current system encourages for things like in this story to occur without massive repercussions; it's by design and a rigged system. No divorce should be rewarded a massive pay day and paternity fraud should result in being left destitute.

In a fair world where the law isn't perverse: the moment he found out the kids weren't his, ALL of the divorce money should have been returned to him immediately. Evey cent. THEN she should have to pay him back for the paternity fraud.

If you aren't advocating for changing the laws to be fair to sole-providers, the next best thing you can do is vote with your feet in a sense and REFUSE to get married in the west. Have kids and a family if you want, just don't get married; you will still be on the hook for child support regardless but you will reduce your financial exposure significantly. If you must get married in the west, get the most ironclad pre AND post-nup possible (but that's no guarantee either since judges do whatever they want these days anyway). From a pure game/maintaining the family standpoint, I think it's smart to not get married because it gives you more leverage in the relationship and in this fucked up world, we need every bit of help we can get to keep the ship afloat.

People need to stop signing up for a rigged deal. Full stop.

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