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No-fap and female attraction: Leverage your game to the hilt

No-fap and female attraction: Leverage your game to the hilt

I just came off a 35 day no fap streak. I noticed major improvement, but of course a large part of it could be placebo effect.

First couple weeks I felt pretty anxious/ edgy. I was having boners all the time.

By start of week 3 or so, I had a massive desire to approach, be social, or chat up women. I started going out more. I had massive boosts of self-confidence, and it reminded me a lot of my 18 year old self. I started to pick up on non-verbals of both men and women. My posture also seemed to improve. I walked with swagger and I felt a bit taller. My voice dropped a bit too.

Still, I had a lot of nervous energy, so I started sprint training, and I cut out any sort of junk food. It's quite easy to go at least a month on no-fap if you work out, limit screen time, and go out instead of staying at home. While maybe I don't need to go a month again, one to two weeks is actually great.

I felt more aggressive too, but who knows.

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