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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

UPDATE: LOL the police is sellout, but what do ya expect?

The Interior Minister received them yesterday and agreed to a salary boost of up to 150 euros / month, which was "hailed by the police unions". They have announced that they are pleased with the negociations and will call off most of the strikes.

I hope that was fake news/propaganda but I highly doubt it. As said before the police in France is pretty rigid in their thinking and most of them are very gullible in their professional beliefs. They are also used to suppressing the populace unlike their Anglo Saxon counterparts, so there's a certain elements of hatred towards the people there.

Disappointing, but expected. The people will not take this well but they also didn't expect a miracle anyhow. It has always been up to the people to carry the brunt of revolutionary work. The police has never sided en masse with the people during the long history of France's social change.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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