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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

If Macron resigns, the president of the Senate (Larcher, conservative right) will take over and organize new presidential elections. According to current polls, Macron (or another centrist like Juppé) and Le Pen would go to the second round. Not sure who would win, but more likely Juppé. If a more consensual rightist/populist candidate could emerge, he would probably win (or she, if it is Marion Maréchal).

Anyway Macron will not resign. It’s not the spirit of the Constitution and he has better choices like calling another government with a ´consensual’ Prime Minister (or even a left wing populist Prime Minister, which would be a smart gambit), or dissolving the National Assembly. He will only resign for personal reasons such as depression or fear for his life (not impossible, since he’s not a real politician).

Emmanuel Todd, an anti-Macron economist, said on French TV that French security forces told Macron that they would not open fire on the crowd. Implying that Macron asked them to. I think it’s a hoax, but it’s telling.

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