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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 09:16 PM)911 Wrote:  

E. Michael Jones, who has lived in Germany for a long time, is more optimistic about Germany. In his recent appearance on Tim Kelly's podcast, EMJ was surprised at how his formerly NPCd German friends have been getting red pilled. One of them has described Merkel's open borders implementation of the Kalergi Plan as "a Jewish final solution for the German people".

EMJ also called out the German Catholic clergy for treason. Here's the hour long podcast link:

I hope you're right 911. It saddens me to meet Germans who seemed to be so ashamed of their country, despite its rich history. You should see how happy many Germans get during the World Cup, when they can finally be "allowed" to have some pride in themselves and in their great country, by display their flag and flag colors.

I don't want to derail the thread, but look at this shit I'm posting below. It's disgusting, absolutely disgusting what has happened to Germany. This bitch throws the German flag to the side, while the Turkish flag flies high in many German cities by 2nd or 3rd generation Turks who still identify first and foremost as Turks.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

That's one thing I'll give the French, those are some proud mother fuckers. Can you imagine if a French politician pushed away the French flag in public? They'de be marched to the guillotine, no doubt.

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