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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 06:39 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

So say Macron resigns. Who gets elected?

Dalaran is right, the president of the Senate assumes power in the interim. This has happened twice recently, in 1974 after Pompidou died, and a few years before that after de Gaulle resigned. There is a bit of a grey zone because technically, the prime minister is #2, but in this case the PM is Edouard Philippe, a minnow sidekick of little stature or credibility, so if Macron resigns his whole cabinet will crater with him.

I think the GJ movement will keep growing. It's going to take a few dozen if not hundreds of martyrs in a steady, peaceful nationwide protest to bring Macron down by shaking up the country's consciousness and forcing a significant faction of the army and police force to defect. The GJs have to make their presence felt without hurting the average french citizen, if they can keep their support then they will prevail.

Macron is going to run a tightline of increasing repression while stopping short of lethal force, and going all out with censorship, arresting key figures like Soral and Ryssen and clamping down on social media.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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