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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 06:39 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

So say Macron resigns. Who gets elected?

Doesnt work like that. If the head of state resigns or dies, the President of the Senate becomes the acting head of state until a "proper" election could be held. I dont know much about the current Senate president, maybe Montrose or Going Strong can chime in.

Though now that the people know the elections gave them this mess, there might be calls for the entire system to be reworked, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's see if the police goes on strike this Saturday, and if yes, whether or not the footage can be disseminated to the people since media is sure gonna play it down.

If words got out that Paris is more or less undefended, the GJ will get a big morale boost. I'm more concerned of the migrants population taking advantage of the no police situation.

Guess it really sucks to be police nowadays. You are hated by your very own people and the migrants population, and the guys paying you dont give a shit. But they cant play the "just following orders" anymore. It's already a bit late since the damage has been done to the people so they can't expect lots of leniency there, but if they don't repent now, and if the people wins, then they can expect to be treated with extreme prejudice like after WW2.

UPDATE: apparently the Interior Minister received the delegation for the Police yesterday. This is not good because 100% sure they made a shit ton of promise so that the police will still be working this Saturday with no strike.

The spokeperson for the police said, if they dont get what they wanted, they will "raise the tone" of the discussions, but given how gullible the police is, they will fall for this stalling trap. Doesnt really matter, it will just worsen their already terrible reputation with the people.

In other news, Macron has promised to punish retired French army generals who accused him of treason for signing the Marrakech treaty. This needs to be heard by the people so they know the government is cracking down hard.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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