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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-16-2018 10:01 PM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

I saw this 11/16/18 video in the Migrant Invasion Europe thread:

Bottom line is Europeans aren't as pussified as us Americans would like to believe. Pigeon brings up topics like German military plotting to attack politicians and migrants and a French politician admitting civil war may be imminent. Italy may cause the EU to collapse by refusing to bow down to Brussels.

Let's cross this with Vox Day's theory that the Yellow Vest movement may end the EU, Putin's aggression, and civil war threads scattered throughout the forum. I think it's very safe to say the EU is on the ropes.

Germany is cucked, they've been completely NPCd by holocaust indoctrination. No other people on earth would tolerate that their leader admonish a lieutenant from their party for waving the country's flag on the main stage, Germans and other northern Europeans are hopeless. Their high-trust upstanding protestant values have been turned against them. Pigeon dude is at best a naive tourist on this subject, but more likely at a deeper level a hater of Germany, due to his tribal affiliations.

Germany doesn't need right wing death squads, it need a cultural breakthrough that will remove or at least ease off the mental shackles of the fake WW2 narrative that they have been force fed for generations. (((Black pigeon))) touches upon this, without going too deep though. If anything, the notion of right wing death squads is a formula that has been used by the deep state to undermine their opponents in West Germany and throughout western Europe in the 1970s-80s.

France is not like Germany, outside of the "blue state" bobo constituency in the big city centers, which is smaller than their equivalents in the US or Canada, we have a strong cultural "Gaulois" streak, a persistent national identity. People won't be herded like sheep.

The key for the Gilet Jaunes win is to break through the left-right divide, making sure the leftists understand that we have the same enemies, and to recruit enough support among assimilated 2nd gen immigrants to completely neutralize the Socialists/Macronist intrumentalization of established Africans. A left-right civil war, or a hot ethnic warfare with citizens of African descent is a losing strategy. That's why it's being pushed.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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