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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Guys, this is MUCH bigger than it's being reported! Slowly but surely, the firefighters and police are starting to side with the people and that is a game changer! Of course, the MSM is doing everything to COVER the OBVIOUS and push their globalist propaganda FAKE NEWS.

Give the below video a watch. The guy does a great analysis and at 0:58 it shows a clip of the firefighters showing their back to the government official as a form of solidarity for the Yellow Vests followed by the Cops who removed their helmets in the same gesture of solidarity with the people!

We are onto something HUGE! It's starting to spread to the rest of Europe and eventually the WORLD!

This could be the start of a massive wave of revolts around Europe and the World in the same way that the 1789 French Revolution back then!!!


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