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Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

With a few rare exceptions, why anyone gets married to a lower income/lower wealth woman in 2018 USA is truly beyond me.You have be ignorant, stupid, or desperate to do it at this point. Countless examples of divorce rape out there and people still do it. So stupid.

Why don't federal caps on child support exist?

Why is alimony even a thing in 2018?

Why are people still making legal binding contracts with women in a legal/culture environment that INCENTIVIZES destroying families?

Sure... you can move to a state with somewhat more sensible laws and get a pre-nup but the bitch can just move to another state and file the paperwork where it's to her advantage. And with how corrupt the courts/gov't appear to be these days, do you want to bet a large chunk of your hard earned wealth that the gov't won't fuck you over in some way even if you do everything by the book?

You want kids? Have kids. Bitch will get child support whether you're married or not. Try to do it at least in a state with caps on child support. You can have a family minus a marriage license.

You want to be married as husband and wife? Go somewhere that isn't trying to fuck you over constantly or get the laws changed. Until then, DON'T GET MARRIED in the USA.

I got sympathy for the older guys. Young folks? In 2018 with the internet? Pretty hard to give a shit at this point. Some people simply have to learn the hard way.

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