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Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread

So here is some advice for losing limiting beliefs and self-hatred as someone who had it at one point during his life but then lost it. Definitely not an overnight process though, it is going to take a lot of life experience and being out there to eventually get over it.

Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky. Pick your company more carefully and spend time around alpha supportive people.

For most brown guys, this means not hanging out with the majority of brown and Asian guys out there. Minorities love to drag each other down, generally speaking, and as Robert Greene once said you can die from another man's misery. The self-hate and limiting beliefs are prominent in recent immigrant groups to the US whose parents raised them with more of a scarcity and outsider mindset. You might not think of it initially but when you see a lot of your fellow brothers talking about how life is tough for them because they are brown, how the white kids have it easy and how "of course that guy is getting hot girls because he is white duh"; it wears on you. If men in your family did this, start avoiding them as well and seeking out other company.

You are the average of people you spend the most time around so if you are spending time around other guys that constantly whine about race, change your group. I would recommend solitude over spending time with low quality people. You can also look to hobbies like group sports, team sports and masculine places where you will come across more of that alpha demeanor.

I have very rarely known a brown guy who slayed by having mainly brown and Asian friends.

Tell your parents to fuck off.

I seriously mean it, most brown parents are not very supportive of creating alpha masculine kids. The more you submit to your parents, the more you will lose your freedom and your mindset. You will be in a job you hate living a life you are not passionate about and women will pick up on this. I recommend leaving behind your parents for the time being and knowing that they come from a different time than you. Of all the factors, I would say brown parents are the main ones that lead to a lot of less than developed guys who struggle a lot with game.

Go find work, trade or life purpose you are passionate about.

Now this is powerful and it carries a lot of meaning. Not everyone is cut out to be a doctor or engineer or even wants to be one for that matter. The guys I knew who were fulfilled went into professions where you do not find as many brown guys compared to other places. If you do that, you will be waking up more fulfilled each day and just that freedom of deciding your life on your terms becomes empowering compared to the rest of your brown brothers who are at the mercy of their parents.

Look good.

This means getting in good shape and dressing to fit in with the local crowd, don't overdress and don't dress like a slob. I have gained a few pounds in the past year but I have been hitting the gym hard in the past few weeks while going about counting calories. Looks matter and if you look good, you feel good and you feel better about yourself. These days, looks matter more than anything and if you can appreciate the look you see in the mirror, you will feel better about your life. Take your shirt off right now, if you like what you see in the mirror, then get out there and run some game!

I don't like what I have seen in the mirror lately so there is the setback.

Learn to see yourself as an individual and make friends who don't make a big deal about your race.

I have found that white guys and whites in general tend to point out race a lot less openly than minorities do. A lot of minorities in general have their own complex about race and feel the need to throw that on to others as well. If you find yourself with minority friends who are trying to get you to take part in their little sob story, run like hell and cut off contact. I am not saying you only make friends with whites but be weary of making friends with minorities who are all too hung up on race. Learn to see yourself as an individual and not as your race.

This life and game are hard as fuck so in the end, you either want it or you don't.

You either want the player life or you don't. Its hard as fuck, I am finding that out first hand as to how hard it can be to get hot girls and how much it can demoralize you when you fail. If you go through whining about race, you are going to make it ten times harder on yourself as well because you are defeating yourself. The game will do more than a good enough job of defeating you so don't make its job any easier. In the end, you either want it or you don't. If you want it that bad, you will get to a point where your own race is the thing you don't care about as much.

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