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2018 midterm elections
018 midterm elections
Quote: (11-06-2018 07:30 PM)DChambers Wrote:  

Just couldn't do it. Before I joined the service the discarges started and every year after it's only gotten worse. Scott has shady connections to big sugar and they play a large part in keeping these discarges flowing. Trump should be starting to adress the issue soon from what I read. Mar Largo is only about an hour south of my hometown actually. It sure wasn't an easy call lol, even my grandmother who has voted Republican for decades could barely bring herself to vote for Scott. Florida politics are incredibly corrupt as it is so neither was a great choice. On the plus side I managed to drive two of my friends down there to the polls to vote Republican. The youth vote isn't as nearly favoring the Democrats as much as I think they would like to believe. Could just be my family, but all of us under 30 in the family are strict conservatives, and quite a few of my extended family who's parents are liberal are secret conservatives and vote red at the polls.

You're leaving out all the best reasons to hate Rick Scott man. The vetoed bill that would have ended the concept of permanent alimony. The same bill including mandating judges had to go into child custody hearings without bias in favor of mothers. A real traitor to all men.

And then that retarded knee-jerk gun control after the Parkland shooting. Laying the blame on 18-21 year olds all while we saw massacres committed by men much much older than that. A fucking conservative taking away 2nd amendment rights for citizens, ridiculous.

And yet, I still voted for him today. I was planning on leaving it blank, but we have to win. Hopefully amendment 5 passes too...

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