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2018 midterm elections
018 midterm elections
Did my part. Just voted.

Walked into the gym, then went to a table that showed a map with district numbers. Once I found the table of my district number of an address I live in, gave them my ID and said my name. Signed my name and they gave me a paper ballot.

Blackened each Republican dot. Just went straight Rs.

Walked over to the paper ballot machine and inserted my paper ballot successfully. Paper ballot counter displayed #389.

While I am not hopeful in a strong blue state - thanks to the fucking overpopulated NYC that always vote Democratic - I see it as my duty and responsibility to have my vote counted and voice heard.

Now we wait for all of the results.
[Image: Clint-Eastwood-All-Right-Reaction-For-a-...s-More.gif]

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