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Tinder App

What do you guys think is the best way to deal with backstory when pipelining? I'm in Poland next week and not sure whether to tell matches that I'm only staying a couple of weeks or to imply that I'll be visiting regularly for 'work reasons'.

Roosh's take in his new book is this:

If a girl is responsive, she’ll likely ask for your backstory of why you’re visiting or what you do. You can play the tourist angle or hint that you’re developing long-term ties to her country. The sluttier a girl, the more she won’t mind banging a tourist for a few days, but it helps to plant the seed that you may stay a while so she has a reason to invest in you. Weave a story where it’s not obvious you’ll bang her and then immediately leave the country.

My matches tend be older -- around 30ish -- so I'm leaning towards long-term. However, on the other hand in his last podcast Roosh seemed to think that polish girls prefer darker skinned guys (which I am one) for short term or ONS.

Not quite sure how to play it.

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