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Where is GManifesto?

Where is GManifesto?

1. Elmech, I stopped driving to meet women. There are more than enough where I'm at.

2. Moma, in SF, not having a car is no big deal. In LA, it's a big deal. Not having a nice car is a big deal.

My car is crappy. It's 11 years old and has a spray-painted fender.

It costs me a lay if they see it, and once did cost me a lay.

But here's how I see it....

1. I fucking hate driving. For the past 7 or 8 years, I've lived in places where a car wasn't needed for me to get up, grab coffee, hit a book store, go shop, eat a good restaurants, go to cool bars, find a lot of women to run game on, and hit the gym.

So even when I drive my car to work, it gets parked. I don't move it an inch on the weekends.

2. Let's say I got a cool car that would cost me $600 a month. Insurance would cost me more than I'm paying (my current POS bluebooks at 2K). I'd be $800 "all in" on a cool car. Even if I got an entry-level BMW, I'd be at about $500 a month all in.

Could I optimize my access to sex by using that $500-800 elsewhere?

I joked that "my body is my car." I'm in good shape, dress well, eat healthy foods ($$$), take supplements.

It costs me less than $500 a month to keep my body and looks up.

Plus, my body gives me benefits a nicer car wouldn't.

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