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Where is GManifesto?

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:49 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 01:12 AM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

I'm not going to make personal attacks here, but, I've been fortunate & unfortunate to meet a lot of people I met online over the past 10 years. Some have been the most legit, stand up guys I've met in my life. Others so awful I'm surprised when I hear they aren't in prison yet. (This is really amplified when it comes to business stuff.)

May be G doesn't want to deal with that shit?

However, it seems strange to me that a prolific poster wouldn't meet a single forum member in person, most especially when they are nearby geographically. That is weird.

I've met one forum member here in person and was pretty impressed. Too bad he got banned, haha.

Not sure why people are piling on the guy in this thread.

And frankly, being a member of a f'ing internet forum, does not make you obligated to meet other members in real life. If you want to, fine. If not, who cares.

I'm just saying its unusual, given what I listed in my original post.

I'm not saying its right or wrong, people have their reasons.

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