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Where is GManifesto?

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 12:29 AM)houston Wrote:  

Can someone find the thread where Ali called him out

I found this:


Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
(02-07-2012 11:35 AM)MikeCF Wrote:
(02-07-2012 11:31 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
Nothing you've written on this blog could incriminate you in a court of law.

Years ago (long-time fan of G), he wrote a post on breaking into a home. Went into supplies needed, etc.

If he's doing gray or black market stuff, why post a pic on the Internet?

It would only make him a target to prosecutors or underworld enemies.

The Internet seems huge, but any blogger will tell you that there are real-world implications to putting your face and ID out there.

So why post a pic?

To get "street cred" from a bunch of Internet guys?

If G were selling books or making a profit, I'd get the calls for him to prove himself.

He's not asking for anything...He's just a guy - regular, or not-so-regular - trying to have a little fun on the Internet.

All these cries for pics and details distracts from what a good Internet forum is - a place for guys to chill, banter, and have fun.

"Why so serious?"

I actually saw that post on his site. That didn't even remotely detail an actual crime. There's nothing on that article that would even come close to constituting an actual crime. People write stuff about that all the time. I could actually google that topic and come across thousands of links before seeing G's article.

There's been a few people calling G out on this. Right before he reappeared after a hiatus for a few months, I think Ali or someone was saying why he wouldn't link up when they were both in the same area.

I don't care. But for someone who is so active in the community, it would only serve to help at this point (or it should), especially when they are being called out and disrespected. G is up there with Mixx and Roosh, but no one really knows him or has seen him, unlike the other two. Every other guy with a website presence has a picture or has linked up with other cats on the forum (Gmac, Skywalker, Naughty Nomad, etc).

G has every right to not want to reveal himself just for the F of it, but I don't think those reasons hold up. Just sayin'.

There has been people calling me out for 6 years.

As far as Alibaba, we weren't in the same area. And I have made it clear that I wouldn't meet up with someone who wears wetsuits out at night and lacks a basic sense of humor.

No offense to the guy, I am sure some people dig a lack a humor and people that dig hanging out people wearing wetsuits at night. Some don't. We are all different.

Posted by Giovonny - Today 04:04 PM
G - I feel like I already know G. I have family members very similar. In fact, I think there's a chance that G is my second cousin Danny that I only see once or twice a year.

MikeCF and Giovonny are both California guys.

I have noticed that I get more support from fellow California guys as they are more familiar with a personality like mine.

I might be a regional/cultural thing, hell I don't know, and I don't really care.

That all being said, there are two members of the forum that I had plans to meet up with.

We didn't meet up, for reasons on their end.

This has been mentioned on the forum before. This is no secret. These were both two of the most well respected members of the forum.

So we can put all this stuff to rest.

That is until it gets brought up again in a couple months like clockwork.

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