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How to Stay Young

How to Stay Young

Quote: (04-01-2012 05:10 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Sun Screen is up a tolerance and don't stay out long enough to get burnt at first...also drink a lot of green tea and consume a lot of antioxidants...the sun is good for you...I'd say its one of the best things for you there is....There is a reason the ancients worshiped it. Americans and the industrial world have become cave people it disgusts me...artificial lighting and stale air are the reasons we are so tired, uncreative, suffer from a.d.d. and laziness...Get out in the sun and fresh air. Sun screen just clogs your pores among many other bad's typical american just masks the problem it doesn't solve it.


Check the ingredients of your sunscreen guys..

Most of the stuff is way worse for you then sunlight. The best sun screen is the shade.

If you use sunscreen, use a natural organic. Putting chemicals on your face = Bad idea

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