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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-17-2018 05:53 PM)bigbadpua Wrote:  

Currently I take:
Zinccitrate (I take since my last cold in February or so and havent been sick since)
Magnesiumcitrate 100mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Vitamin B Complex (only when drinking)
Green tea extract (when I dont drink Green tea)
Alpha lipoic acid (when drinking)
Omega 3 (maybe Omega 3-6-9 would be better)
Ginger & Curcuma/turmeric (in spice form)

Things I used to take:
Milk thistle (liver support)
Acetylcystein (only when drinking)
Melatonin (for better sleep, but didnt work really)

Still experimenting around. I think zinc and vitamin C are most important. For avoiding hangover I tried a lot, but the results are not conclusive.
Im 36, mostly healthy, but cant sleep quickly if I have not been out in nightlife and some irregular pains in back and legs sometimes with no obvious reasons.

Have you tried ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6)? I take these every night and I am out like a log within a few minutes.

In addition to ZMA:

Black seed oil, Maca and Tribulus: To prevent ED, boost libido and helps to maintain
"morning wood"

Coconut oil and Nattokinase: for cardiovascular and circulatory health

The one thing that is noticeable is that my hair grows back very fast. My energy levels seem to be good as well.

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