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Where is GManifesto?

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 01:47 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 02:20 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

The forum will be just fine without G and Mixx. Solid posters will come, and they will go. No one person leaving will have a huge impact on the forum, not even Roosh. This places strength is in the community, not in any one or two individuals. It would be nice to have Mixx and G around, but if they choose to not come back, others will fill their shoes. IMO, HC has been the most valuable poster since I have joined, and he has only been here since November like I have. So we lose G and Mixx, but gain HC. Maybe we will lose HC eventually, but someone else will step in to fill his shoes. Things will keep movin on regardless of who comes or who goes.

Real talk. I hope guys don't take this particular post as hating though - on the internet people are quick to attack just about everything as negatively as possible if they disagree, instead of truly reading what someone has written. There are plenty of instances where someone focused on one or two words within a post, and went off on a nonsensical riff when they obviously didn't understand the post they read. I enjoy reading the posts and bantering with many of the guys mentioned. And lets not forget, some have their own blogs that you can easily drop in on. Others are maybe using this as the impetus to start their own thing. But lets also not forget that some of them decided to withdraw and withhold their contributions because of decision Roosh made, with hopes that the forum would be weakened, thus forcing Roosh to reverse the decision. That's selfish, no matter how you slice it, no matter what the justifications. I try to respect men, but I don't worship anyone. Instead of bemoaning the departures, step your own game and contributions up. I'm sure even the departed would agree with that.

I also think part of the ebb and flow of the forum is due to the fact that you go through periods where there really isn't anything new to discuss. There's annoyance when someone starts a dupe thread, but it's also possible that the previous thread didn't come up in the search (or yes, they didn't search thoroughly enough). Or someone bitches because someone bumped an old thread, when in fact that might have been the right thing to do instead of starting a new one. From time to time some of the veterans were a bit intolerant. New people are continually joining and lurking, so these things will happen. Occasionally stepping away might actually be good for the individual, and the forum as a whole.

[Image: potd.gif]

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