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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

Finally posting in the drunk lounge, had some half price whisky cocktails deep. Feels good Krunk Wanted old fashioned but they were half off so drunk guys gotta be practical

PRoblem with drunk guy thread is that nobody wants to type or edit while drunk, so im working on not correcting my shit , I don't know man do we talk about drunk stuff here or do we just come here when wer'e drunk. I vote come on here when drunk This shit needs to get bumped every Saturday night. I swiped on a few chicks when I got home but fuck that,

Fuck man was out having a few in Medellin, lots of tail nbut was just out for dins with a couple boys. The babes had tight ass pants, it was raining so the waitresses were wearing sweaters and not showing their tits. Im moderately drunk , slightly durnk maybe compared to my high octane wasted times, im gonna wok out in the mornig. Some bitch from Cali asked me to translate shit from spaniish to English for her tattoo, I hope I did a good job because Im really not fluent but fuck, I hate tatoos anyway, unless Im drunk then I don't fuckign care. Anyway fuck, gotta water and gonna go crash.

Slightly Drunk guy out

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

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