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The TV Series Thread

The TV Series Thread

Better Call Saul can be amazing and catatonic within a few minutes, all depending on who's on screen. Saul by himself is pretty good, especially when he's flexing his legal muscle. I hated his scenes with the brother and Kim. I find Mike's and Nacho's scenes exceptionally fresh, creative, tense, and well-acted. A show detailing Mike descent into the SW US criminal underworld would have been better than Saul's transition.

And Kim Wexler may be the most annoying, sanctimonious, magnanimous (in the eyes of reviews) cunt to ever grace the silver screen. I never fast forward through scenes of episodes that I had not yet seen, but there are times when I just jump ahead ten minutes because I can't stomach anymore tedious discussions about a new fucking branch opening. And there is nothing I'm missing with the plot. She's feminist filler. And like feminists and feminism, completely hollow, pointless, and adds nothing of value to an interesting world.

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