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Go Tell Women To Have Babies

Go Tell Women To Have Babies

You also know you'll immediately be subjected tons of invective. You'll be called every name in the book. You'll be accused of being a throwback, that wants women barefoot and pregnant. For this to truly have an effect, FATHERS will have to start whispering this in their young daughter's ears. And the wife better be on the same page, because otherwise you'll simply have a confused kid because she'll surely try to simultaneously undo everything you're trying to do. If you try to have this talk with teen or adult women, it will fall on deaf ears. I don't disagree with the attempt to try, but be prepared to get in lots of arguments. They only arrive at this point on their own when they are 30-something, single and childless, when it's almost too late.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

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