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Tinder App

Tinder App

Gave this app a try a couple years ago and managed to match with a girl who was clearly into me and wanted to give me her virginity. We get off tinder and she sperged out when I suggested meeting for coffee in a public place. Not long after she tells me she's now "seeing someone". That was when I stopped using this app. All other matches were clearly disinterested, there for entertainment, and ghosted/unmatched as soon as I suggest meeting or exchanging numbers.

Back for a second go-round and I'm getting significantly less matches than before with basically the same pics. Did match with some hotties but my text game has atrophied hard and I fucked it up. One lives super close by so I'll probably just go to the grocery store or something and see if I don't run into her haha. Did get one girl who, again, clearly very into me and gave snapchat or whatever. That was days ago, haven't heard shit back since, on tinder or snap. Think it's about time to dump this shit for good.

I've noticed about half the profiles are empty. Most of the others are advertising instagram. Most of the rest are weird, negative, or some cliche copy/paste nonsense. I'd say 1-3% actually have a profile you'd expect of a grown adult.

And this fucking dog obsessed culture is spiraling out of control. Girls really think liking dogs is a personality. So sick of fucking dog profiles dog mom fur baby swiped right cause of your dog dog dog dog dog i like dogs my dogs are my children. Also tattoos, tattoos fucking everywhere. So many hot young girls with fucking tats everywhere. How do you decide to get a huge tattoo on your arm or anywhere at 18? I've been tossing around an idea for one tattoo for years and still can't be sure I'd hate looking at it in a few months. It's also kind of bewildering what kind of negative profiles girls will create with their picture and name attached to it. Oh you're a bitch and obnoxious? Why the fuck would you put yourself out there like that? Weird.

I don't think going into long "get to know you" texts is the way to go. Gotta grab their attention and then get off tinder within a few messages. No jokes unless blatantly obvious. Hell, this last girl I literally asked her out for drinks in the first message(I had something related to her profile as well), chatted for like 3 more and then we're done and off tinder. Oh, and I regularly use superlikes and have gotten exactly 1 like back after many, many uses. They're useless now.

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