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Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-19-2012 02:50 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

What DC offers is JOBS that pay enough for you to travel. So it's either live somewhere else and HOPE the chicks are better OR live in DC and make Delta, U.S. Air, United, British Airways and a slew of hotel chains rich.

Couldn't put it any better myself. I've posted on this topic several times in another thread "Just How Bad Is DC?" Put simply, while you're based in DC, this is BY FAR the best solution to dealing with the lack of talent in DC.

It's also been noted in other DC-related threads by many longtime DC veterans that this city absolutely fell OFF A CLIFF circa 2009. After the global financial crisis, 4 things happened here, and they happened at a rapidly accelerating rate:

1) Wages began to plummet throughout the U.S.
2) Wages began to rise in Washington, DC. (See: Expansion of policy-related govt. jobs, and thus defense contractors to support said jobs)
3) Good looking girls (the few 8+ that were here) began to pour out of the city.
4) Policy-oriented, MA-wielding pasty overweight females flooded the city.

These four factors are all increasing, and they are increasing faster than the day before. They have combined to create a toxic, shocking mixture of unattractive females in what is now (might want to sit down for this one) the richest city in the United States. Restaurants, hotels, bars, you name it. They're going up on every corner with no end in it. It's got all the ingredients on paper for a young, single man to live a thrilling single life. Then you actually see the people who live here.

In short, till you get out of here, take your high wages and BOLT to the nearest airport on Thursday or Friday. Looking back, you'll thank yourself.

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