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Quote: (09-04-2018 07:23 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:15 AM)Montrose Wrote:  


My hat off if at 50 you look 34.

I don’t look 34, but young girls have no idea what a 50 years old looks like. Most people guess around 10 years younger than my age when asked. It helps that I have all my hair, and little white hair.

When I was 42 I told a girl that I was 34. She looked at me intensely and said: ‘you can’t be 34; you’re 28!’

My point is that you can usually get away with big age gaps.


Says every old person ever

Improving health in modern societies have made most people look young for longer. Old people like we imagine, all wrinkled and graybeards, have all but disappeared except from the poorest areas.

The is particularly true for tall ectomorphs like me.

Still, not every man looks younger or takes good care of his physique.
Many look actually their age and sometimes even older. Lot of booze, poor genetics, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet are to blame.

Usually black and mixed people age better and look way younger but this has little to do with their lifestyle, their genetics are good in this aspect. A white man looking way younger puts in more efforts but genetics still play a big role. As you say it yourself, you are tall, ectomorph, have your hair and few grey hair, it explains it.

Staying away from diseases and traumatic events that life can bring also helps. I used to look way younger and in 1 year it looks like I gaiend 10 years. Lot of stress, a bad diet and insomnias caused this...

did you fix that insomnia? I've had it for about a year. used to sleep like a baby. funny enough crashed from hair loss drugs to preserve my youth and it ended up doing the opposite.

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