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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (09-01-2018 06:48 PM)bonkers Wrote:  

Question: I’m 34 and my age seems to be a bit of a disqualifier for my ideal dating age - eg 25

However, I know when I meet them, I don’t look 25 and can match the vibe they are looking for.

Should I:
1) Hide my age using Tinder Plus

2) Create another profile with a younger age and pretend that Facebook won’t let me change it.
If so:
a) what should I place my age at? 28, 30 or 31?

b) when would be the best time to reveal my real age? In the profile? When we first start chatting or in person after I have a chance to build attraction?

I’m 50 and I write 34 on my Tinder profile. My pics are recent though but I look younger than my age. No girl ever asked anything. I target 18-25.

1) don’t hide your age. It raises more questions than it answers.

2) a) show your age as 28 or 29 to be below the 30 barrier in search filters. You can easily change your age on the attached FB account and it will update on Tinder.
b) only reveal your age if she asks explicitly. But she won’t ask.

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