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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (09-02-2018 12:55 AM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So guys, what supplements have ou taken that actually show noticeable results? For me Zinc and lecithin gave me a sike during sex, B12 gave me a nice jolt of energy, and calcium and magnesium help recovery after a hard day in the gym.

I started zinc about 2-3 weeks ago, definitely noticed a spike in sex drive. Did have some mild nausea the first few days (sort of a low blood sugar feeling) but that went away. One caveat, I banged a new girl this weekend for the first time since starting zinc and didn't last nearly as long as I typically do--may not be related to the zinc (maybe just excited to finally get my mainland China flag) but given the noticeable sex drive boost my suspicion is that it is.

Here's my daily stack:

-Animal Pak Multivitamin - 1 pack per day (nutrition info is for 2 packs, so halve everything)

-Vitamin D3 and K2 - 10000 IUs of D and 1500 mcg of K, will probably cut back to 5000 or 7500/day after that bottle is out

-Zinc/Copper - 150 mg/6 mg respectively

-Fish Oil - 1000 mg

-Glucosamine - dog (large breed) gets these too, feels a little odd to be taking the same pills as him but it's good stuff

-Iron Brothers Testosterone Booster - I know a lot of these OTC T boosters are bullshit but this one has good ingredients, I don't expect it to be a miracle supplement but it's not too expensive and I think it helps, I cycle it 2 months on/1 off

-D-Aspartic Acid - 3000 mg, cycled along with the T-booster

-Theanine - 200 mg

-Alpha Brain - Nootropic blend from Onnit, I actually haven't started this one yet, arrived this weekend and will start on it tomorrow. I'm planning to take 1 pill per day instead of the recommended 2 because it's fucking expensive (that's also why I'm continuing to take extra theanine)

I started taking most of this stuff around 3 months ago and all around the same time (zinc and the nootropics being the exception) so tough to attribute success to any one supplement but overall I've noticed an increase in sex drive, losing weight, improving in the gym, but I also started BJJ and lifting regularly about 2 months ago so those clearly play a role as well. For reference I'm 34, train BJJ 3-4 days a week, kickboxing 1-2 days and lift 2 days. Former military, was active but had been pretty sedentary for about a year and a half leading up to about 2 months ago along with heavy drinking following a divorce.

As for taking all this stuff, every Sunday I'll put a daily dose of each supplement into a plastic baggie then put 5 baggies in a bigger ziploc bag and throw the whole thing in my briefcase, and stick it in my desk drawer when I get to work on Monday then pull one out each morning. I take everything right when I get to work, which is typically about 30-45 minutes after I eat breakfast.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

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