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All-male workplaces

All-male workplaces

I have done summer sales (door to door) for five summers (it's a seasonal job). It's got to be one of the most red-pill jobs out there; a team of 15-20 guys slogging it out all summer and coming home at the end with 5-6 figure earnings. It's awesome bc so much crazy shit gets said and done that wouldn't fly for a millisecond in a corporate environment. You can't be a pussy and knock doors, so it's mostly cool masculine guys on the team. I've been thinking about writing a data sheet on it because it has been an awesome experience for myself and a huge part of my come-up, I bet it would benefit a lot of younger guys. Maybe more on that later.

I'll add something else: it's so funny to see red-pill truths in action, such as when a girl is on the team. Can you imagine a decent looking chick in an office of 15 horny guys who work 6 days a week and don't get to interact with any quality chicks (barring wives, etc.)?? The dynamic changes and things get whack real fast...all over one chick. I'm glad our team was only dudes this year.

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