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How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

In a couple days, I will be meeting with this girl. It isn't decided whether or not she will be over my house or not. I'm gonna push to go to her house though.

I'm sure I can get laid. She showed interest in me first and after seeing her a few times since then, I got her number and we agreed to "hang out" in a few days when we are both off from work.

This will be the second girl I've ever been with. I never attempted BDSM or anal with the first girl but I want to experiment more this time.

This girl I'm going to meet up with looks better all around, especially in the face and has a perky ass.

For starters, any advice and tips on securing this bang? I can feel myself getting thirsty already.

Also, how do I introduce handcuffs, anal, and other kinks?
Would it be bad to do that the first time we have sex or should I wait a bit and gradually introduce more and more?

Also, what are some good beginner tools/toys I should use?

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