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Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

If this is a game forum, when did we turn into player haters and why can't we just be happy for the dude?

Who the fuck cares how you fuck a ton of hotties? If you fuck them, you fuck them.

When did it become so crazy to judge a man based on his results?

I respect Dan Bilzerian more than the guys talking about game because his results actually prove that he has been in some hot pussy, its that simple. If we aren't talking results, what are we wasting our time on exactly? Philosophy? A college psychology lecture? Some pseudo-Zen shit?

At the end of the day, who cares if he comes off as fake or not, getting hot pussy is getting hot pussy. Most of the guys preaching about game would drop on both knees to get a date with the quality of women this guy gets, its worth respecting.

That's how the real world works, results matter above all else, Dan has them and most guys who claim to be game experts do not. I don't care for this whole real value stuff because in context of results, a lot of "real value" will rarely get you threesomes with girls of model looks.

Save the morals for church, game is meant to be immoral and a lot of it is fake, Dan just found a damn good way to play it and unless someone has results that match his, why should anyone bother to listen?

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