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Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

There is so much hate for Dan Bilzerian and millennials on this thread that I want to turn this conversation around into something that he did which is right, take advantage of the modern trends. Its called adapting and he has done it, plain and simple. That's what people who are successful in much of anything do, they adapt and then they have their success.

That's what Dan Bilzerian did, he saw that social media was taking off and capitalized on it. He could have cried about social media and been like any other older generation whining about the millennials (for a good reason of course), but he capitalized on it. Who cares if some bitter people are calling him fake or a man child, he is fucking hot pussy and living the life 99.9% of men out there can only dream of in their wildest dreams.

I am not saying that guys like Dan Bilzerian and nightlife workers are the only ones sleeping with hot women, but that shit helps.

As for the whole owning up to game, I've been out there and did the cold approaches only to find a few years later that making friends with the right people and falling into the right circumstances is far much more effective than wondering around all night approaching randoms hoping one bites.

We can stay here and call Dan Bilzerian a fake, millennials soft and take shots at me for not admitting to this idea that a few psychological tricks will land a supermodel in your lap. I'd say we're better off as guys adjusting to the times, the trends and adapting instead of talking about how bad things are.

I'd say most guys out there fucking hot girls don't have that much substance to them because they don't care about the shit you say, they care more about what your status is and how they can get excitement out of you. Words, psychological tricks and peacocking at a bar aren't going to do the trick anymore.

Tactician, as for your post, you want unconditional love then go get a dog and don't expect that shit out of a woman.

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