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How ALEC Took Florida's 'License to Kill' Law National

How ALEC Took Florida's 'License to Kill' Law National

While I don't support Zimmerman's actions in this case (confronting this kid when the kid posed no immediate threat to him or anyone else and with the police already being notified and on their way), I support the stand your ground doctrine. Why the fuck should anyone have to retreat before defending himself against an attacker? An obligation to retreat treats the aggressor more favorably than the victim, but I guess that is par for the course in this politically correct country. And calling 'stand your ground' a 'license to kill' is leftist progaganda at its finest.

As for this particular case, who knows what actually happened, but if all Zimmerman did was ask the kid questions, while he may be a dick, that does not give the kid the right to assault him.

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