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10 day water-only fast completed
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (08-09-2018 04:57 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

Any mental benefits to fasting? Anyone experienced definite improvement in cognitive function for work, concentration, memory etc?

I do when I'm on an intermittent schedule. If I eat during the day I tend to get slow and sleepy for work - even if I eliminate carbs.

Light eating or fasting during the morning and part of the afternoon and then eating a large meal or two in the evening is my protocol. Pretty similar to the warrior diet.

I try not to eat too close to bed or else I will wake up tired since my body spent the night digesting food.

When I did my 3 day fast I had issues concentrating. That may have been relieved if I continued it or supplemented with minerals.

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