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Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Can High Vitamin C intake cure cancer...and a lot more?

Quote: (03-22-2012 07:46 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Most people I know have lost a closed family member to cancer and that includes doctors and scientists who spend countless hours researching cures. If there was something close to a cure out there besides chemo and surgery we would have heard about it. There is no amount of effort any agency FDA, FBI, CIA, Illuminari (LOL) could stop from that information to getting out to the public.
However, if the government or some agency is out there covering this stuff up, they might as well tell us about the alien tecnology they've been experimenting with lately :-)

Its very easy to stop actually. You have to understand how research bodys work. As I said no researcher can LEGALLY or OPENLY follow up on past experiments that have been proven to work if they have been blacklisted by the AMA or other research bodies with clout. Also if you have an emerging breakthrough that as you said does not follow traditional methods such as chemo (which was pumped by the nuclear industry in the 60's by the way) or surgery then how do you expect to get published in leading journals which are funded by the same monopoly which only uses chemical or radiation treatments? As I said the current system does no reward anybody finding cures. Finding a cure would mean career suicide. You keep that wheel spinning and they your able to make moves. This does not mean evrey doctor or researcher is a diabolical tool whom wishes death on all. They are all good people with good intentions its just that field of research and public health is soo fragmented and silo'd that your in the small bubble thinking your doing great things. Its the people at the top of the silos, boards, research panels, medical bureaucracy, and policy makers whom are the scum.

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