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Notchcount and fidelity stats

Notchcount and fidelity stats

Quote: (03-22-2012 05:16 AM)P Dog Wrote:

It is worth pointing out that those are the results of an online survey run by a game blogger with a very limited attendance (232 male and 59 female responses). And their interpretation is indeed one-sided.


4. Female infidelity was strongly correlated to lifetime number of sex partners:

The correct interpretation is that "female reporting of infidelity was strongly correlated to reported lifetime number of sex partners". Which is a very different thing - for example it is possible that females with more lifetime sex partners are more open about their infidelities (i.e. will not lie about having them).

More, the correlation may be simply casual - surely a girl who had 20 partners had more chances to cheat than a girl who only had one.

In short, this is not necessary true.


I also know that women with over 50 notches have a divorce rate of 90% It's 10% for women with only one (their husband).

May be caused by different things. For example I'd expect a chick with 50 notches to be much more attractive/social than a chick with one. Same as in 4 - the chick with one notch may actually want to cheat, but being fat and ugly she simply has no such options.


The next time somebody doesn't like you using the word slut, point out these statistics to them and own them completely.

I really doubt anyone could be "owned" with this kind of statistics...

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